Friday 12 December 2014

Dear Families,
Jersey Day!  Thank you to all the students and staff who participated!  School Spirit Rocks!

I would like to take this opportunity to say how very grateful I was today when I saw your child’s bright smile at school!  I am so happy everyone got home safely last evening.  The boys and girls mentioned a few busses experienced problems, but thankfully no major issues.  I always look forward to seeing their rosy cheeks, bright smiles J and eager hearts/minds to learn, Learn, LEARN!  It’s our last week before the winter holidays, can you believe it?!  Time sure flies when you’re having  FUN!!
Timeline Project Presentations:
This week, your child had the opportunity to share and present his/her Project to their peers.  Ms. Hartley and I used the school Ipad and Green Screen to record it J  We are very pleased with the students efforts.  We provided them with feedback about the importance of speaking clearly, loudly, and making eye-contact to engage the audience.  As we progressed through the presentations, we noticed some students using this feedback which certainly enhanced their presentation!  We will be watching the recorded presentations next week and having the students Inquire further by asking their peers questions about the Timelines and providing each other feedback (stars and arrows).  Here are a few pictures from the presentations :) this week!  It is my intention to somehow be able to share these Timeline videos with you as I think you'll really enjoy seeing your child present.  Mr. Leal will help me with this!  Stay tuned everyone.
Excellent Emma (Ms. Hartley recording each presenters Timeline)
Courageous Carissa!
Kind Karrington!
Lovely Layla!

Amazing Alexander!

Brilliant Brody!

Awesome Ashlee!

Happy Hannah!

A Keeper Kurtis!

Nice Nolan!

Kind Karina!

Cooperative Conrad!

Amazing Ava!

Keen Kaden

Way to go Miika! 

Peer Sharing

Giving 'feedback' to improve student achievement!

Accountable talk, thanks WALT for helping us with this :)

Holiday Concert – Santa Knows
The Primary Division has worked very hard preparing for our concert which is taking place next week.  Just a gentle reminder:  families are invited to attend either our matinee show at 2pm or the evening show at 6:30pm.  The students are very excited to present as am I to see them perform!  Please have your child dressed in 'holiday' colours (red, green, white) on Wed., I will provide a colourful bandana (like the ones from Stone Soup - thanks Mrs. Roth for lending us these) to finish off our concert look ;)
“No snowflake ever falls in the wrong place.” --  Zen
Miss Gill

1 comment:

  1. Thanks so much for recording the presentations, I'd love to see Brody's! He was pretty proud. :)
