Friday 10 April 2015

Dear Families,

It was wonderful greeting and seeing your bright eyed and smiling child Tuesday morning after our long weekend!  Many students shared through their words and writing about their Easter weekend experiences.  Sounds like a fun-filled blast was had by all my families!

Mix-Match Day:
Today we had students and staff dress up in mix-match attire.  Check us out!  Thank you for supporting our school's spirit days!  It certainly builds a sense of community :)
Mix-match boys :)

Mix-match girls :)
International PINK Day:
On Wednesday, we celebrated PINK Day to support putting an end to bullying!  Thank you to all those staff and students who wore pink to express their care and concern for this issue.  Together we can make a difference in our world by never bullying and supporting those who are bullied (please don't be a bystander).  Thank you Ava, Emma, Karrington, Carissa, Brody, Ashlee (absent from picture) for wearing PINK!
We are supporting Anti-Bullying for men, women, and children everywhere!
Easter Recount Writing:
This week, your child wrote a recount about his/her Easter weekend.  I spent some time conferencing and providing feedback (stars/arrows) for students to ensure they included each important element of a recount (Title, Orientation, Sequence of Events, and Personal Comment).  I am so proud of their writing as they have improved their achievement since January.  Mrs. Bell also met with a student to listen to a piece of writing and she was thrilled and quoted as saying, "Wow, I can't believe that is Grade One writing!  Excellent work."  At the end of the week, students shared their journals with a peer of choice and received feedback.  It is exciting to see the growing improvement over mere months :)  Your child will be bringing home their Recount Notebook this weekend.  Please take a moment to listen to their writing and offer them constructive feedback and of course heart-felt praise for their hard work.  All notebooks are due back to school on Monday.  Here are some celebratory writing pictures!
Sharing Circle

Listening attentively to Kaden's recount

Way to go Miika!  Sharing his recount on the HOV CAM.












Smiling note from Mrs. Bell

As we continue learning about money, I introduced another math game called "Fill the Bank."  Students are beginning to confidently identify the names, values, and symbols of each Canadian Coin in a fun and engaging manner.  We will be wrapping up this unit of mathematics soon and moving onto Geometry.  Stay tuned for the math note coming home in the agenda.  Here are some pics from Wednesday that I captured of students playing the math game and sharing their math journal entries that they completed also.
Ava & Emma sharing their math journal entry titled "Counting Coins"

Brody & Miika

Kaden, Alexander, Layla, and Kurtis

Nolan & Carissa

Cassius & Karrington

Jacob & Ashlee

Brody, Miika, and Karrington playing Fill the Bank!

Kurtis, Ashlee, and Jacob engaged and on task - way to go!!

Nolan, Kaden, and Ava playing at the "Peace Place."

Layla, Carissa, and Emma

Kyran, Cassius, and Daniel

I'm so proud of you boys and girls using math in a cooperative manner!
Buying and Selling Items:
On Thursday, we had a shopping extravaganza in our class!!  Ask your child about this :) Students had the opportunity to pick 5 school items, price them, and then try to sell them to their peers.  They were then responsible for counting the money that they made.  After this, they then switched, and had the opportunity to go and buy items from their peers.  During the consolidation portion of this math lesson, we counted the amount of money each student made and ordered the amounts from greatest to least.  Congratulations to Daniel who made the most money at his shop with $6.14.  It was a true joy watching everyone participate enthusiastically in this FUN math lesson!
Emma's treasures for sale.

Ashlee's selling these items!

Carissa's ready for shoppers!

Kaden buying from Karrington.

Kyran choosing the correct coins to buy an item from Carissa!

Sellers Brody and Emma

Kurtis purchasing from his friend Layla

Jacob and Emma buying some items with their Canadian coins!
Healthy Eating Feast:
Thank you to Mrs. Czerny for organizing a healthy feast in our class Thursday morning!  Students were so excited for this celebration and chewed on various healthy foods such as turnip, broccoli, apples, cucumbers, carrots, strawberries, and dragon fruit.  Thank you to Kurtis, Ashlee, Alexander, Emma, Karrington, and Carissa for bringing in a healthy treat to contribute to this health lesson.  Parents, your support in this endeavour is deeply appreciated and valued!  Thank you, thank you!!
Eating as a Community of Learners

Healthy Snacks!  Check out the turnip Mrs. Czerny brought in!  YUM!

Waiting patiently for a turn to choose a vegetable.
Layla's Cuban Adventure:
Welcome back from your Cuban vacation!  We missed you, but are so happy you got to spend quality time with your family.  Thank you for bringing in some photographs from your trip and sharing them with us all.  We can tell you had a wonderful time because of your enthusiasm and amazing adventures you shared!  It's great having you back!
Layla, you look beautifully tanned with your braided hair!

  • Monday:  Character Recognition Assembly at 9:15am.  Parents are most welcome to attend to honour our Integrity recipients 
  • Friday:  Artist Visit.  Permission forms and money are due.  

“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt within the heart.”  --Helen Keller
Miss Gill


  1. Wow! So much happened this week! I can't believe that I forgot the healthy eating feast... For some reason I thought it was the 14th... Sorry :-( on the up side, Brody asked to go buy raw turnip! Hopefully he didn't choose to 'pass' on anything ;-) have a great weekend, thanks again for another great blog post!

  2. Hello Amanda,

    No worries about the healthy feast, there was plenty of nutritious snacks for everyone! Mrs. Czerny provided the raw turnip for the students - it was a definite hit! Mmmmm :)

    Thank you for your continued support in ALL Brody's learning, you're such a kind hearted person INSIDE & OUT! It's a true joy to work with you this school year.

    I hope you're enjoying this beautiful week we're having with the rays o' sunshine!
