Friday 7 November 2014

Dear Families,
Is it November already?!  WOWIE, on my drive to school this morning, I came across lots of snowy patches on the roads and the temperatures are sure feeling like winter!  I don't know about you, but I adore the warmer climate, but do appreciate the snow for all the winter fun like snow-shoeing in the woods with my dearest friends and Ma.  I will spend some time this weekend 'winterizing' and ensuring my home is ready for the cooler weather which seems to be upon us :-)  I hope you have a delightful weekend with your loved ones! 
Cooperation Recipients:
At our Character Recognition Assembly on Monday, we congratulated Emma and Conrad for consistently demonstrating Cooperation in their thoughts, words and actions!  You two are excellent models for 'Working Together to Get the Job Done!'  Thank you for setting a positive example in and out of the classroom!  Here is a picture of our cooperative recipients.
Cooperation Rules!!  Thanks Emma and Conrad :) 
Letters/Notes to Parents:
There are times, I send home  notes/letters for parents regarding the various New Learnings for different subject areas.  Please do take the time to sit with your child and discuss the new Learning Goals & Success Criteria for these subjects as this provides you both with key information that is being discussed at school.  Thank you in advance for those families who do this, it makes a remarkable difference in your child's learning.  Next week, you will see a Social Studies “Timeline Project,” I think you and your child will enjoy working on this Inquiry together.
Local Library Visit:
On Thursday, we went on our first trip to the local library!  Our walk was wet, grey, and cozy.  We kept dry with a few umbrellas and our rain gear J  The librarians who greeted us were very warm and friendly.  The students were so excited to listen and learn in this new environment.  We listened to 3 stories which had the theme of a Box.  Ask your child about these read alouds – they were very humourous, fun and engaging!  As a follow up activity, your child used colourful wooden shapes to make a creative craft.  For example, some students used these shapes to make a rocket ship, animals, vehicles, etc.  I hope you enjoyed seeing this art work yesterday when it came home.  Our next visit is Thursday at 9:15a.m.  Thank you to parents who have already sent in the library membership application to school, I will give it to librarians and your child will then get his/her very own library card and will have the opportunity to sign out a book J  Exciting!  Those families who already have a card for your child, disregard the application form, but please have your child bring his/her card with them on Thursday so they may get a book!  Thank you!
Here are a few pictures from our local field trip:

We welcomed Ms. Doka's Grade Ones to join in our library fun!

Getting a library tour

"The Library is the Place to Be!"

1 of 3 read alouds.  Look at all the attentive listeners :)

Creative hearts and minds hard at work!

Investigating, exploring and buddy reading with various texts!

Cassius, Jake, Conrad, and Hannah - reading is thinking!

Engaged students all around!

Trip #1 complete, can't wait for next week!
Home Reading:
This week your child started our “Home Reading Program.”  I hope you’re enjoying hearing your child read aloud to you and asking him/her comprehension questions using the Retell Hand.   The students are becoming very independent by selecting a “Just Right” book from our book bins and putting them into their navy folder.  Please note, over the weekends, your child will be leaving their reading folder at school because I want them to have a break from reading books from school, but I do encourage you to continue reading over the weekend, however using your home library J  This program will resume Monday-Thursday evenings.  Thank you so much for taking the time to read with your child every day!  It truly is making a difference Please ensure you or your child write down the name of the book and have a parent initial daily.        

Home Reading Program - Learning Goal & Success Criteria

Literacy is Power!

Halloween Graphing Homework:
Thank you so much parents for supporting your child in completing the bar graphing task using Halloween candy.  Many students had the opportunity to share and discuss their data (information) with the whole class.  We have been making it a focus of our learning to be able to orally explain and begin to write about “What our graphs tell us.”  Interpreting data is an important expectation for Grade Ones.  To help reinforce this concept, I have been showing the Math Monsters (math video), ask your child about these videos.  The students love these videos because the characters in them are very funny and intelligent.  Here are some pictures from our math lesson on Tuesday.    

Thank you parents for sending in Halloween candy wrappers!

Nolan excited to share his tally chart and accompanying bar graph!

Brody & Layla writing our 'labels' for our concrete pictopgraph

Our Class' Halloween Wrappers Pictograph ... We did it! 

Skittles PictoGraph - can you share what this graph tells us?
Remembrance Day Assembly:
On Tuesday November 11th, the Primary Division will be performing the song “The Little Red Poppy” during our school Remembrance Day assembly.  For this special event, we ask that the children wear black bottoms and a white or black top.  If possible, please select a top that does not have writing or graphics on it.  The assembly will begin at 10:40am.  Families are welcome to attend.  As always, thank you for your support.

Spirit Day:
On Wednesday, we will be having a dress up Spirit Day.  The theme will be “CAMO!”  So please have your child get their camo gear on.  The student council will be coming around at the end of the day to collect house points.  If your child is dressed in camo, he/she will be contributing points for their house team J  I’m part of the yellow house so will be partaking as well.  However, as of right now, I don’t seem to have any camo, I’ll be sure to pop into the new Winners store in Collingwood to see what they have!
"Enjoy the little things - for one day you will look back and discover they were the big things."  Thank you to Mrs. Roth's sister Heidi for sharing this beautiful quote.
Miss Gill

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